Welcome to Clara Robinson PA:

Thank you for choosing one of our properties to call home! We are excited that you will be a tenant in one of our properties and we hope to make it a great experience.  By taking a few moments to complete our online application, we will have the resuls in moments. If you have a SEC 8 Voucher, after finishing the application, all you need to do is to bring the voucher to the showing with $500 deposit to take property OFF the market, we will procces the Voucher with your worker and get the property ready to pass inspection.

We have been providing tSouth Florida & Detroit area with top-notch property management services. We are experts in the field of home rentals and will use that expertise to help you every step of the way. Our mission is to provide you with excellent service throughout your tenant experience. Our tenants follow the rules, pay their rent on time, and love where they live. We look forward to you being a part of that, too!

Bienvenidos a Clara Robinson PA:

Gracias por elejir una de nuestras propiedades para llamar hogar! Estamos felices de saber que sera uno de nuestros inquilinos y esperamos tenga la mejor experiencia. Tomese unos minutos para hacer la aplicacion en linea, nosotros obtendremos los resultados en momentos. Si usted posee un Voucher de SEC 8 lo unico que tiene que hacer una vez termine la aplicacion, es traer el Voucher cuando visite la propiedad con $500 de deposito para sacar la casa del mercado, nosotros lo procesamos con su ttrabajadora y preparamos la propiedad para pasar inspeccion.

Hemos administrado propiedades en South Florida & Detroit por muchos anos! Tenemos experiencia en el area de rentas y queremos usarla para ayudarle en todo el proceso. Nuestra mision es darle el mejor servicios durante su expereincia como inquilino. Nuestros inquilinos siguen las reglas, pagan su renta a tiempo y aman donde viven. Esperamos usted sea parte de esto, tambien!

tenant services

Online Maintenance Request

Problem with your home? Send us a maintenance request.

Submit Request

Update Tenant Info

Have you moved or changed jobs recently? Update your info here.

Update Info

Utilities Contacts

View local utility company phone numbers and web addresses.

View Contacts

Application Criteria

Learn about our application requirements.

Learn More

Apply Online

Apply for a property online now from your computer or mobile phone.

Apply Now


contact us

Clara Robinson PA

8527 Pines Boulevard, Suite 202

Pembroke Pines , Florida 33024

Telephone: 888-499-5561

Email: Admin@ClaraRobinsonPA.com